Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wolf Girls


"A warrior must prepare for battle even on her deathbed, my mother used to say. Though when they came, she looked up from her bones and with one crack in the stuff of her, she was gone. They put us in sheets and took us. Where were we? My life slipped out of me and down, when now the sun, my enemy, has baked up all the holes. I ask the rain to soften the earth so my life may come back to me, upwards (...) Then the compound, our play. The churning orphans gallop. I make my place by the long wall. My sister crawls under the thorn bushes and hisses. I am a coward. If I was a true daughter to my mother the wolf, I would put my teeth on the red leg of the nearest girl of all. White ghost, white ghost, she sings. But my eyes are bad. I will not leave the shadows."

Wolf-girl (c. 1909 - c. 1936)
From The Diary of the Wolf Girls of Midnapore by the reverend Joseph Singh. Two girls, aged one and seven years old, were found by the Rev. Singh, suckling a wolf in a cave in West Bengal, India, in 1916. The wolf was killed, then the sisters taken to his Mission Orphanage to be raised as "human beings again". The younger one died in a couple of weeks.

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